Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Written by Hector Aleem "Christian Genocide in Pakistan"

In 1947, Christian leaders were influenced by the false promises of Quaid e Azam. SP Singha (the Christian leader) of that time voted for Pakistan, that vote was not for freedom, that vote was for slavery and bonded labor. 14 August 1947 is not the day of freedom for Christians, it is the day of slavery and bonded labor. Christians are already been tortured in Pakistan but other minorities like Hindus etc are also not spared. Pakistanis kidnap and forcibly marry the girls of minorities in Pakistan, the case of Rinkal Kumari is an example in this matter. Chief Justice of Supreme Court of Pakistan also gave decision in the favor of kidnappers. What will happen to people when the Chief Justice of a Country is unjust?

Christianity is the largest minority in Pakistan but besides being the largest number of minority, they are also the largest number of persecuted nation in Pakistan. There are lots of examples of Christian persecution since the inception of Pakistan.

Today, Pakistani Christians are regularly jailed, persecuted and even sentenced in false blasphemy cases. Pakistani fundamentalists are cutting the necks of Christians like street dogs, raping and abducting Christian girls. Shame on recent parliamentarians like Tahir Khalil Sandhoo and Kamran Michael who are enjoying the ministry with the ruling government, if they care even a little about their nation they should resign immediately and start working for Christians.

The recent case of Shafqat Masih is the worst example of blasphemy cases lodged against Christians because his whole family is in custody of the police and they have been shifted far away from their home city. This is the same case in which I was trapped and had to spend four years in prison for this offence. No Christian is such fool to send a blasphemous message to any Muslim cleric especially when they know the consequences, also, every Christian parent teaches their children not to involve their selves in any anti-Islamic activity.

There are no organizations especially Christian NGOs who are helping these victims of blasphemy instead they depends upon the local NGOs who do nothing but provides false news to the international media, normally all these organizations are the agents of the government of Pakistan who provides news according to the guidance of the Government of Pakistan.

Peace Worldwide condemns the misuse of blasphemy law in Pakistan because it is creating hate and inferiority complex in the minds of Pakistani Christians, the government, the secret agencies and courts are silent when several innocent Christians are facing persecution due to blasphemy law.

Pakistan should stop genocide of Christians of Pakistan. Or else a time will come when Christians of Pakistan will consider Pakistan their enemy and will rebel against it because same concept of two nation theory applies here.

Hector Aleem
Peace Worldwide

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